Monday, March 30, 2009

Cottage Cheese

I am on a cottage cheese kick. I find nothing more refreshing or satisfying as some cottage cheese with a Cutie ( clementine) and some strawberries.

The other day, as I was nibbling away my bowl of cottage cheese and fruit, I took a look at the ingredients thinking I was doing my body good... only to be appalled at what I saw...

So I got to thinking about making my own cottage cheese. Little did I know, it's easy to do, fast, and the results are delicious.

I must point out that for as much milk as you use it doesn't make a lot of cottage cheese, so price wise, I don't think you save money but knowing that you are putting milk in your body and not all those other chemicals and things you can't even pronounce is worth it to me!

Plus, it tastes so good. :)


  • 1 gallon ( I used skim) milk
  • To make this more thrifty buy some old milk that is on sale
  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar
  • a dash of salt


  1. Heat the milk and take off the heat just before the milk begins to boil.

  2. Add the vinegar and allow the mixture to cool.

  3. Drain mixture. * The recipe called for a cheesecloth, which I didn't have, so I used a coffee filter and laid that over the colander and then poured the mixture over the filter and rinsed the curds off with cold water.

  4. Add salt and mix with your hands. You may wish to use less salt or more, depending on your taste. I like mine salty!
  5. You can also add a little cream for a more silky texture but I didn't as I am on a diet.

I am going to try mozzarella next.


Julie Del said...

I've always wanted to make homemade cottage cheese! Looks yummy!

E said...

Julie, did you ever try it? How did it turn out?